Iyan Hervianto Arsitek INTERIOR Design and Build MEBEL dan FURNITURE Website: http://www.tempatbikinmebeldanfurniture.co.id Memfokuskan jasa untuk pembuatan Interior Custom ( Design and Build ) Mebel dan Furniture Lingkup pekerjaan kami meliputi:... - Kitchen Set - Wardrobe ( Lemari Pakaian ) - Backdrop - Set Ruang Tamu - Set Ruang Keluarga - Set Kamar - Partisi - Lemari Bawah Tangga - Lemari Pajangan - Meja Counter - Meja Receptionist - Office Set - Credenza - Meja Kerja - Booth - Pameran - Rak Tv - Hambalan - Meja Rias - Bed Set - Head Board - Nakas - Meja Makan - Pintu - Kusen - Mini Bar - Island - Walk In Closet - Bunk Beds - Rak Buku - Rak Sepatu - Meja Belajar - DLL - MARMER ALAM - GRANIT ALAM Promosi yang kami tawarkan: - GRATIS DESAIN ( LAYOUT 3D RENDERING ) - GRATIS KONSULTASI DAN SURVEY - DISKON BESAR JIKA PESAN MEBEL DAN FURNITURE , DISERTAI DENGAN PEMESANAN MARMER DAN GRANIT ALAM Sistem kerja kami: TAHAP KONSULTASI - TAHAP DESAIN - TAHAP PRODUKSI KAMI JUGA MERUPAKAN SUPPLIER MARMER DAN GRANIT ALAM Website: http://www.tempatbikinmebeldanfurniture.co.id
'pengerjaannya bagus, oke dan cepat dan juga orangnya koperatif'
Who We Are / About KUPU Our team consists of young, dynamic and experience people that work with passion to build Indonesia exhibition to grow by meeting International standard. We know what works and what doesn’t. We can also share international be...st practice to adapt to your working practice and processes. We are the first company in Indonesia that will bring to you full service in order to deliver your conference and exhibition which will provide more time efficiency for your company member to generate more revenue and focus on the company’s business strategies. We understand the importance of delivering excellent event and creating a lasting impression for your participants hence we are committed to ensure your event achieves everything you have set to do. Why Us We provide an end-to-end service based on your needs to transform your ideas into comprehensive and memorable events. Our passion is matched only by our experience, professionalism and friendliness. What We Do 1. Conference - Event Management 1.1 Conference Services We work together as your partner to transform and manage your events and ensure it will be delivered smoothly and able to achieve your goals to create a professional conference in Indonesia. We do understand that each event have their uniqueness so we provide wide range of services which you can choose as a whole package or customize it based on your need. The services including the following: a. Marketing: - Marketing Plan - Social media management - Collateral and merchandise sourcing - Sponsorship Sales - Sponsor Management - Venue Acquisition b. Onsite support - Onsite Registration - Staging Set Management - Sponsor stand build up - Crowd flow management c. Delegate Management We can deal with all your delegate recruitment and management needs as below: Confirmation calls Event communications (emails) Accommodation booking service d. Budget Management We help you to manage the budget to make sure you achieve your profit target. 1.2. End to End Conference Services We work as your partner and as a single point of contact that provides a complete service from concept and planning, onsite presence and post event reporting. We can provide as little or as much support as you require, whether you’re putting on a small seminar, dinner or a huge annual conference. 1.3 Event Consultant With our team experience, we are flexible and responsive to meet your needs. We can work with you as part of your team to bring insight strategy to your event planning and management or simply work alongside your internal team. We could work on either a project by project basis or on a retainer 2. Exhibition – Trade Show Event Management 2.1 General Service Contractor General Service contractor or GSC can be known as a general contractor or official general contractor that contracted by the exhibition organizer to provide physical setup and teardown of trade show based on the organizer need. The GSC’s services include but not limited to: Inspecting the trade show site for planning purposes; Preparing numerous versions of the show-floor layout and exhibit placement; Getting approval of all floor plans from the venue's; Generating the exhibitor services manual (aka the exhibitor kit); Storage of empty crates and cartons during the show; Hiring and managing the on-site staff; Printing and placing informational and sponsorship signage throughout the venue; Hanging the pipe and drape for in-line exhibits; Logistics support pre-event (Set guidance to exhibitor for shipping the materials, exhibitor manual collection, design graphics, etc) Liaison with stand builders and designers to deliver all stand and signage requirement Supplier & Vendor Review and Recommendation On-Site set up and support (arriving the day prior for setup – supporting the first morning and attending on the last day to fulfil tear down and shipment) **Standard Health and Safety Recommendation & Supervision 2.2 Exhibitor Management Managing your exhibitor can be very time consuming, therefore we offer you services to help you not only saving time but also your money and resources. With us working on your exhibitor, your team could focus more on the strategy or to increase your sales. Our service includes: Exhibitor Manual Collection Exhibitor Logistic Our Motto SIMPLICITY to run your event. We offer one stop service to deliver your events as you wish. With experienced event executors within our team, we are able to deliver your needs with high quality products and services. Simplify your event, delivering time efficiency for your company, and maintaining events cost so that your event will deliver the expected benefits and values as you expected. Our Team The team led by key event players with 10 years’ of experience in creating and delivering conferences and exhibitions. As a team we love to work with our clients through our integrity and trust. Picture of activity from Harley, GTC padang, prescon KI, KI workshop. TAG LINE Your partner for Event Creation CONTACT US PT. Nuswantara Adhidaya Perkasa (KUPU GSC) Address: Kindo Square block C5 - 3rd floor, Jl. Duren Tiga Raya no. 101, Pancoran, South Jakarta 12760 Phone: (021) ******** Email: info@kupu-gsc.co.id Website: www.kupu-gsc.co.id
'Kerja hebat, totalitas dan sabar dalam memenuhi tuntutan kami. terima kasih at...as kerjasamanya'
Asslkm wr wb pertama saya ucapkan trima kasih sebelumnya sdh di beri kesempatan yg baik ini .kami ahli kontraktor bangunan & penyedia jasa yg berdiri pada tahun 2005. bergerak di bidang kontruksi bangunan melayani baik bagun'dari.awal,renovasi... rumah..perkantoran.gedung bertingkat meliputi pekerjaan sbg berikut: pekerjaan .struktur.pekerjaan arsitextur.interior.dan eksterior meliputi pekerjaan jasa pasang dinding bata merah maupun bata ringan .plester +aci .pemasangan kramik .begisting.pembesian ,pengecoran,ME dll kami sebagai penyedia jasa sangat berkwalitas.dengan tenaga ahli yg sdh terlatih di bidang nya . Kami sebagai penyedia jasa selalu menomor satukan kualitas dan mutu pekerjan yg membuat pelagan kami puas dgn kinerja kami dan bertanggung jawab penuh dgn ketentu"yg sdh di sepakati pelangan dgn hasil kerja yang baik dan berintegritas trima kasih salam sukses
'Pengerjaan sesuai dengan permintaan'