Gold Star Education is an accomplished, reliable, and professional educational institution whose students range from National, National+, International Schools and Both Domestic an...d Abroad Universities. We believe in helping every student tap their maximum potential in order to become the perfect scholar: not only excelling academically, but also exuding optimism and influence.
"Padahal materi yang saya minta susah sekali, namun bisa disampaikan dengan sederhana dan jelas, wor..."th it bgt pokoknya les disini"
Les private piano, electone dan keyboard utk pemula maupun lanjutan. Guru lulusan yamaha musik. Pernah mengikuti master course academia yamaha. Bisa request hari. WAJIB memiliki musik yg ingin dikuasai.
"Baru 1x pertemuan.. overall oke."