Tentang Proyek ini

A small show unit was designed in sophisticated way.

The challenge is to make the customer feel spacious in a tiny space.

Using the bright and pastel color, this show unit bring a wide feeling.

The furniture position was arranged as compact as possible.

A big mirror panel was placed beside the window to reflect the natural sunlight, that gives more spacious feeling.

Detail Proyek
Tipe Proyek


Lokasi Proyek

Palembang – South Sumatra

Ukuran Proyek


Status Proyek


Durasi Pengerjaan

6 bulan

Nilai Proyek

Rp 15,000,000

Kamala Interior
25% Selesai
Minta Penawaran

Pilih layanan yang disediakan oleh Kamala Interior

Minta Penawaran